Document Cancellation Workflow Solution | Key Features | B2BE

Key features of document cancellation workflow solutions

Document Cancellation Workflow Solution | Key Features | B2BE

In this article, we look at what factors are important when selecting a document cancellation workflow solution.

Cancellation workflows manage the process of cancelling, suppressing, holding, or re-sending documents within a business. These solutions help maintain data integrity, ensure compliance with regulations, and provide a clear audit trail for all document-related actions. As organisations move towards cloud-based and automated solutions, having a reliable document cancellation workflow becomes integral to managing documents efficiently and securely.

Poll results

In our most recent LinkedIn poll, we asked our followers what they look for in a document cancellation workflow solution.

What to look for in a document cancellation workflow solution

When looking for a document cancellation workflow solution, it’s advisable to look for the following:

  • Fully auditable
  • Hold and cancel functions
  • Document suppression
  • Re-send/release documents

Fully auditable

The most critical feature, as highlighted by 75% of our poll respondents, is the ability for the document cancellation workflow solution to be fully auditable. This feature ensures that every action taken on a document, from its creation to its cancellation, is recorded and traceable. An auditable workflow provides a comprehensive log of all activities, including who performed the action, when it was done, and what changes were made. This transparency is vital for regulatory compliance, internal audits, and resolving disputes. In industries with stringent regulatory requirements, having a fully auditable solution therefore helps organisations demonstrate compliance and maintain stakeholder trust.

Watch our video round-up below:

Hold and cancel functions

The ability to hold and cancel documents was the second most important feature for 25% of our poll respondents. These functions provide organisations with the flexibility to temporarily pause a document’s processing or cancel it entirely. The hold function allows users to put a document on hold if there are any discrepancies or issues that need resolution before further processing. This can prevent errors and ensure that only accurate and complete documents proceed through the workflow. The cancel function enables the permanent cancellation of unneeded documents. This capability helps maintain an organised and clutter-free document management system. This ensures the retaining and processing of relevant documents only.

Document suppression

Interestingly, document suppression and the ability to re-send or release documents did not receive votes in our poll, indicating that these features might be less of a priority for our respondents. Document suppression allows for the temporary or permanent hiding of documents from certain users or systems without deleting them. Re-send or release functions enable the re-transmission of documents that may have failed to send or need to be sent again for any reason. While these features can be useful in specific scenarios, they were not deemed as critical as being fully auditable and having hold and cancel functions by our poll participants.

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Re-send/release documents

Finally, cloud-based solutions play a significant role in modernising document cancellation workflows. By leveraging cloud technology, organisations can ensure that their document workflows are accessible from anywhere, highly scalable, and secure. Cloud-based document cancellation solutions offer real-time updates, seamless integration with other cloud services, and robust security measures to protect sensitive information. Additionally, cloud solutions provide enhanced collaboration capabilities, allowing multiple users to access and manage document workflows concurrently, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

Learn more about B2BE’s Document Cancellation Workflow solution.

More information

B2BE’s experience in the supply chain sector allows our customers to build, expand and adapt successfully, enabling greater effectiveness. To engage with B2BE and offer feedback on what matters most to you and your business, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and across social media. You can also vote in our latest LinkedIn poll. If you’d like to discuss your supply chain strategy, get in touch with us.

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