Eid Mubarak from B2BE
B2BE wishes all its customers and partners a happy and prosperous Eid Mubarak (which is more commonly known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia & Singapore).
B2BE wishes all its customers and partners a happy and prosperous Eid Mubarak (which is more commonly known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia & Singapore).
The term EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange and is defined as the computer-to-computer trading of business documents such as purchase orders, invoices, inventory levels, and shipping notices. The software facilitates the exchange of documents and data over a variety of platforms, this joins numerous industries such as manufacturers, distributors, and retailers through their information
From 1 July 2021, there will be significant changes to the EU’s application of VAT rules which will apply to the shipment of goods into the EU. These reforms were initially earmarked to take effect from the 1st of January 2021. However, due to the Covid 19 pandemic the changes will now only come into
Changing VAT Rules for e-Commerce Sales to EU Members Read More »
Although the role of Transactional Finance Manager is not new, Food and Fresh Produce Wholesalers are increasingly turning to their Transactional Finance Managers to take a lead role in the digital transformation of their supply chains and reaping significant benefits by doing so. Even more so as we learn to cope with disruptions to trade
Food and Fresh Produce Wholesalers Turn to Transactional Finance Managers Read More »
B2BE has been operating in the Electrical Industry for over 20+ years and has gained a great deal of understanding over that time which many of our clients in the electrical industry have found invaluable when they have embarked on supply chain automation. The B2BE solutions help to automate the electrical wholesale and distribution industry.
How B2BE Has Helped the Electrical Industry Automate Read More »
What is PEPPOL? PEPPOL enables government and private companies to exchange electronic documents over a European wide network. It enables access to its standard-based IT Transport Infrastructure through access points providing services such as e-Procurement within electronic document formats. The purpose of PEPPOL is to enable electronic communication between businesses and European government institutions in