B2B e-Catalog Solutions
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B2B e-catalog solutions to support your customer's buying requirements
B2BE’s B2B e-Catalog solution means you can better support your customers, reach new markets and keep-up with changing business demand.
Many of your B2B customers are now moving away from wanting to manage your catalog data and content in their systems and want you to manage it for them while providing an easy way to source your products.
Whether it’s a need to support a punch-in solution, your customer’s punch-out requirements or simply to reach new markets and cover of all the channels to market B2BE’s B2B e-Catalog can support you on your journey.
B2B e-catalog solutions helping to solve
Supporting punch-out requirements
Many of your organization’s customers now no longer wish to house your product data and content in their systems. The overheads to maintain it are heavy and many of your customers are looking to be able to punch-out (punch-in from your perspective) into your catalog to order what they need.
B2B sales channels
In today’s world more and more sales, including B2B sales, are done using supplier online catalogs. To be able to support this, and provide new sales channels, having a B2B e-catalog is becoming more relevant and necessary to maintain your customers.
Sales order integration
Offering a B2B e-catalog means your organization would be able to leverage further integration of sales orders it produces, or if it supports the reverse purchase order functionality the sales orders your customers produce from the B2B e-catalog as EDI documents. Meaning integration and less manual documents.
Reaching new markets
Not having an e-catalog or B2B solution in this day and age means your organization is potentially not able to leverage from the changes in business practices and making it harder to potentially reach new markets or opportunities. Contractually many buyers now require you to provide a B2B e-catalog and punch-in capabilities.
B2BE’s B2B e-catalog workflow

Our B2B e-catalog solution is a great way to reach new markets and to support your customers who want to be able to punch-out to select and buy your products.
Key features of B2BE's B2B e-catalog solution
Customer punch-in support
Being able to offer your customers punch-out support is an advantage to your organization and competitively as a supplier. It also means less catalog integration with your customers as you will now maintain the data and content so it’s always right. B2BE’s B2B e-catalog can support your customer’s punch-in requirements and also the reverse purchase order functionality if they require and support it.
Customized access control
The e-catalog is fully customizable based on roles and content so it means your products can be restricted by user or profile so your customers can only order what you sell to the customer or what they’re restricted to purchase.
Structured product variables
The structuring of a products variables in terms of product groups and attributes is very relevant to ensure logically your customers can find the product quickly and easily which the B2BE B2B e-catalog supports.
Rich content
The B2B e-catalog is able to support all types of rich content to improve the user experience. B2B sales often rely on detailed supporting information so the e-catalog can support technical drawings or documentation, images and other supporting material to help with the sales process.
Automated content upload
Sales orders that are integrated into your ERP or business system from the e-catalog solves the traffic one way. However, you still need to get product data into the catalog and using B2BE’s EDI environment this can be automated and the catalog, or other supporting data, mapped into your B2B e-catalog so updates are automated.
B2B e-catalog in the cloud
The B2BE B2B e-catalog is hosted in the cloud which means your organization doesn’t need to invest in or manage the infrastructure and security or fail-over requirements to manage a B2B e-catalog properly. The catalog resides in B2BE’s cloud environment to make it easy.
Why use a B2B e-catalog?
B2BE’s B2B e-catalog solution means you can better support your customers, reach new markets and keep-up with changing business demand.
What you can achieve with B2BE's B2B e-Catalog solution
Cloud based and easy to setup
As the solution is cloud based, this means no hardware to manage and lower up-front investment and B2BE can get you up and running to help compliment your integrated O2C solution relatively quickly.
Data structure and content
The way you house data and how it needs to be displayed or made available in the B2B e-catalog can easily be transmitted like most other EDI files B2BE deals with. So if you can only produce data in a certain way or other data, links or documents need to be linked to the content B2BE can help automate this as part of your B2B e-catalog setup.
Single sales order channel
When sales orders are created in the B2B e-catalog they’re integrated into your ERP or business system the same way an EDI file are so it means sales orders follow the same process and the same validation or workflows apply if these are setup as part of your O2C solution.
Complete sales channel solutions
By combining the B2B e-catalog with sales order automation and EDI, for example you will be sure to be able to integrate the bulk of your customer’s sales orders which means you become more responsive to customer’s needs and requirements and can get products out of the door sooner.
B2B e-catalog success stories

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