Order to Cash Solutions
Order to Cash solutions to fully automate customer engagement
The B2BE Order to Cash (O2C) solutions give your organization a range of tools to fully create an O2C solution or component elements to address individual parts of your O2C requirements.
B2BE offers solutions to automate sales orders using OCR and AI to a B2B e-catalog, giving you the way automate sales orders. Similarly, if you want to better manage customer invoices and payments B2BE has a range of accounts receivable solutions to get your Order to Cash solution up and running.
Combining a B2BE O2C solution with a Document Management solution also means you can, from your organization’s perspective, trade the bulk of your customer documents electronically, no matter how customers can or want to trade with you.
Order to Cash solutions
Accounts Receivable
Whether you want a O2C solution to allow invoice credit card payments and a way of generating remittance advices for allocations B2BE has a range of accounts receivable solutions to help you better manage accounts receivable functions.
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B2B e-Catalog
Offering new channels to market and giving your organization the way to support your customer's punch-out requirements. B2BE's B2B e-catalog is a cloud based B2B solution to ensure you have all your channels to market electronically covered.
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Customer On-boarding
Leveraging your organization's O2C solution means you need to take customer's on the journey and on-board them to trade with you electronically. B2BE has a number of self on-boarding solutions or B2BE can manage the on-boarding process for you.
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Order to Cash Portal
The order to cash portal ensures that your supply chain, business and branches or retail network all have greater visibility of your organizations O2C environment while giving you centralized access to all the B2BE O2C solutions.
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Sales Order Automation
The ultimate goal is to integrate as many documents electronically as possible. However, customers will still send you sales orders via email. B2BE's sales order automation solution is an OCR, AI-based way to intelligently capture data for integration.
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Challenges of using traditional Order to Cash solutions
Many of the issues associated with a robust Order to Cash solution is ensuring all the moving parts have high levels of visibility to all users. O2C solutions that can’t or don’t offer this means process change and uptake becomes slower and harder.
Control and ownership
The ownership of the O2C solution needs to be managed by the functions who own the process currently. Customer services and finance need to own and manage the customer and credit departments need to manage invoicing. They of course need to work harmoniously.
Sales order process control
The customer sales order process will usually define how the O2C solution and processes work. Poor management of sales orders will flow down and other functions will become embroiled in managing customers, credits and other issues poor customer management processes create.
DSO optimization
Having a harmonious O2C process means that as a seller you should be able to manage your DSO position more easily as you will be looking to improve sales order processes and identify and resolve issues earlier so the invoicing process is seamless.
Manual processes
All too often O2C processes are very manual which means sharing of information between functions, customer services and warehouse staff, for example, isn’t managed as well as it could be which means errors occur and customers can sometime be unforgiving, particularly if the errors are re-occurring.
Key features of B2BE's Order to Cash solutions
No-touch sales order integration
B2BE has a range of ways to help automate your customer’s sales orders so you only receive them electronically. Whether via EDI or OCR, AI-based sales order automation or through a B2B e-catalog, sales orders can be digitized which means data can be validated and managed more easily using our Order to Cash solutions.
Workflow solutions
Once you’ve digitized your sales orders using any combination of B2BE’s sales order solutions you can also apply rules to validate the data you’ve received so issues with content can be identified quickly and easily, in many cases automatically, and goods can be shipped on-time and in-full.
Invoice payment
If you’re looking at ways to better manage your accounts receivable payments the invoice payment solution means you can offer a way in which customers can pay their invoices online via credit card. This Order to Cash solution is configurable and can present customers with all of their current and outstanding invoices. If you want to manage customer invoice queries, the query management solution can also be deployed so any queries and actions can be recorded and dealt with quickly.
Plug and play document management
All B2BE’s Document Management solutions will plug and play with your O2C solutions to better automate the documents that make-up the document set you need to trade with your customers. Or where you’re looking for a robust customer e-invoice solution.
What you can achieve with B2BE's Order to Cash solutions
Linked-up processes
When you automate and create fully electronic processes, this will help reduce delivery slippage and customer issues. For example, when all of your customer sales orders are electronic, workflows issues can be identified and resolved much faster than a manual process.
Visibility and control
When all aspects of your O2C environment is visible to all parts of your organization this means information can be shared more easily and the burden of inter-department queries to manage an account is removed. Of course many aspects of the O2C solution can be made visible to your customers as well if you wish.
100% Document automation
With B2BE’s O2C and Document Management solutions this means the bulk of your customer’s documents can be handled electronically from your organizations perspective so you can move resources into pro-active roles rather than re-active to add value to the customer relationship.
Improved customer relations
Improving and automating your processes and collaboratively working with your customers your O2C environment will mean you become a more trusted supplier to the customer. If you’re more trusted this will help with your relationship, contracts and in times of difficulty should they occur.
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