Has E-Invoicing Helped Your Business Reduce Payment Delays?

Has E-Invoicing Helped Your Business Reduce Payment Delays?

Has E-Invoicing Helped Your Business Reduce Payment Delays? | B2BE

With the growing shift toward digital transformation, many businesses are adopting e-invoicing to streamline processes and reduce inefficiencies. One of the key promises of e-invoicing is the ability to minimise payment delays, a persistent issue that impacts cash flow and overall business operations.

Poll results

In our most recent LinkedIn poll, we asked our followers if they have experienced a reduction in payment delays after switching to e-invoicing.

Have you experienced a reduction in payment delays after switching to e-invoicing?

  • Yes, significantly
  • Yes, slightly
  • No change
  • Not using e-invoicing

Yes, significantly

60% of respondents reported that e-invoicing has greatly reduced payment delays. For many businesses, the automatic delivery and real-time tracking capabilities of e-invoicing have led to faster payments and more predictable cash flow. By eliminating manual processes, such as printing and mailing paper invoices, businesses are now able to send invoices directly to their customers in a digital format, reducing processing time and human error. This substantial shift shows that for many, e-invoicing is proving to be an efficient solution to combat payment delays.

Yes, slightly

Another 20% of respondents have seen a slight improvement in payment times since switching to e-invoicing. While the improvement is not as drastic as those in the first group, these businesses have still benefited from the automation and streamlined processes e-invoicing provides. Perhaps for these companies, additional optimisation steps, such as integrating with accounting software or ensuring better supplier onboarding, may help them experience even greater improvements in the future.

Learn more about the advantages of e-invoicing:

No change

None of the respondents reported no change in payment delays. This highlights that e-invoicing, at the very least, brings some form of improvement in the payment cycle, even if the results may vary from business to business. The fact that no respondents marked this option suggests that businesses generally acknowledge the positive impact e-invoicing has on reducing delays.

B2BE PEPPOL White Paper | PEPPOL Access Point


Not using e-invoicing

A surprising 20% of respondents admitted they are not using e-invoicing. In an era where digital tools are increasingly necessary for operational efficiency, businesses that have yet to implement e-invoicing may be missing out on key benefits. These include faster payments, reduced manual errors, and better visibility into the status of invoices. For those businesses, transitioning to e-invoicing could unlock significant gains, especially in reducing payment delays.

Learn more about our Customer e-Invoicing, Supplier e-Invoicing and PEPPOL solutions to support your invoicing processes.

More information

B2BE’s experience in the supply chain sector allows our customers to build, expand and adapt successfully, enabling greater effectiveness. To engage with B2BE and offer feedback on what matters most to you and your business, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and across social media. You can also vote in our latest LinkedIn poll. If you’d like to discuss your supply chain strategy, get in touch with us.

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