Sales Order Automation Solutions | Order to Cash | B2BE

Sales Order Automation Solutions

No touch sales order automation

While trading with your customers electronically (EDI) will give you the best results your organization will still receive many sales orders via email. 

B2BE’s Sales Order Automation solution is an OCR, AI based solution that digitizes the sales orders so they can be automatically integrated into your ERP or business system in the same way and EDI order is. 

The Sales Order Automation solution is highly configurable to allow AI based automation combined with workflows to manage data and the validation ensuring what you receive electronically will not create issues in your system, and if it will you can be notified in advance.

Sales Order Automation helps solve

Processing times

When you receive a lot of sales orders from customers via email it means that you have to sort through the rubbish that may also get sent to the email address, identify and manage the legitimate, potentially print or at least store electronically and then process the sales order and this is time consuming and means customer services teams spend more time on administration tasks rather than adding value to your customers.

Multi channel management

Like most organizations today you will receive, potentially, EDI, email and possible faxed sales orders. Each channel needs managing differently and each has it’s challenges and processes to manage. Simply having to manage the processes doesn’t add a lot of value and can be time consuming.

Sales order content accuracy

Sales orders, depending on the industry and the nature of the goods, means many sales orders may have data issues which may effect products through to shipment locations. Identifying these manually is time consuming and slows the processing of sales orders so in-turn order fulfillment will be slowed down.

Error identification

Identifying errors within sales orders means customer services teams need to manage this which may involve a number of calls to your customers to clarify content and in the end may also necessitate an updates sales order which adds time to manage and effects processing speeds and customer services throughput.

Shipment cut-off times

We’re all working to deadlines and in many industries if sales orders are contractually received before a cut-off time means same or next day delivery. If a backlog or processing difficulties occur it means the sales order may not be processed before the cut-off and goods will not be shipped.

B2BE’s Sales Order Automation workflow

Sales Order Automation Solutions | Order to Cash | B2BE

Our Sales Order Automation solution is an OCR, AI based solution that digitizes the sales orders so they can be automatically integrated into your ERP or business system in the same way and EDI order is.

Key features of B2BE's Sales Order Automation solution

AI learning

The Sales Order Automation solution uses AI as part of the OCR data capture process which means where issues are identified the system learns so if your customers send or create the same issue on a sales order the system will automatically pick this up to ensuring the data can be accurately captured.

Validation and workflows

The Sales Order Automation solution, while using OCR and AI based technologies, can also be setup to validate the data within the sales order when it is in electronic form. Validation rules can be set within the workflow and any data related issues created by your customer can be identified and rectified before the sales order is integrated into your ERP or business system. Rectification may mean fixing the issues or rejecting it to the customer where there’s fundamental issues.

Access and usability

The Sales Order Automation solution is available via the Order to Cash Portal which also houses all your workflows, documents and much more and as a cloud based solution it means it’s easy to use, easy to grant access to, or not, and full audit trails and management reporting is available to ensure sales orders are being managed more efficiently.


All sales orders are highly visible as they pass through the B2BE Sales Order Automation solution. The files that were received, PDF’s and on-sent electronically files sent to your organization are available via the Order to Cash Portal and available historically. Where the sales order is linked to a O2C solution it can be linked to other documents in the transaction set to make it easier to see all the moving parts and for different parts of your organisation. Link invoices and POD’s, for example.

Address API validation

If your organization has customers which you manage a lot of direct shipments for the shipping address changes on each sales order. Transport companies rely on the address to be accurate so B2BE can validate shipping addresses, or any address for that matter, as the sales order passes through the system to auto rectify or identify issue addresses using Google’s address validation API.

Why use Sales Order Automation?

Our Sales Order Automation solution is an OCR, AI based solution that digitizes the sales orders so they can be automatically integrated into your ERP or business system in the same way and EDI order is.

What can you achieve with B2BE's Sales Order Automation solution


Multi channel sales order management

If you use the B2BE Sales Order Automation solution combined with a Document Management solution, specifically EDI, for example it means that all your sales orders will arrive via the same channel and the same rules and processes will apply making it much easier for customer services teams to manage and process sales orders.


Error reduction and automation

When applying both AI logic and validation via B2BE’s document validation workflow means issues can be identified automatically so your customer services teams will only need to manage exceptions and they can get on with servicing clients and being pro-active rather than re-active or at worst administrators

Confidence rules

Some information is more important than other information. For example item codes and prices are very important whereas the terms and conditions less so. The sales order automation solution can be configured to capture what your system needs and confidence levels can be set in the OCR software so data that creates an issue can be identified quickly.


The sales order automation solution has a range of reports to understand the health of the system and solution, report of throughput and volumes and provide snapshot information. Similarly errors or certain rules can also trigger automated emails and alerts so you have the right information at your fingertips at anytime.

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