B2BE Covid-19 Update

B2BE Covid-19 Update

The health and safety of our clients, suppliers, and personnel is paramount to us. We are acutely aware of the ongoing and evolving situation regarding Covid-19 and we are continuously monitoring updates from the various global health departments where B2BE provides services and employs personnel.

We trust you appreciate that our organisation will be cooperating with all advice issued by the authorities in the interest of ensuring the safety of our valued clients and personnel.

We are pleased to advise that our dedicated workforce has the capability to work from home (WFH) allowing the continuation of our services to our clients and have already implemented many of our WFH policies and processes. In-fact B2BE has been able to, in general terms, keep our current services and service levels in these uncertain times based on our pre-existing planning and WFH policies.

B2BE has been in business for over 20 years and through careful financial planning, we would like to assure clients that as an organisation we are able to weather the current environmental factors and will be ready to help support and grow your businesses again when we have globally weathered the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.


You will be able to contact your B2BE support personnel via normal email methods. However, incoming support calls may need to be adjusted to facilitate WFH capabilities for each team member.

We suggest that if you need to contact B2BE support that this is done via email to ensure you receive the support you need at this time.

Project Delivery

The B2BE project and delivery teams continue to support current and future project requirements under the B2BE WFH arrangements. This may mean however there is some impact on current project delivery. However, we are committed to delivering our clients current and future project requirements where possible and are working to ensure our clients’ projects can be delivered in a timely manner under current circumstances.

Please contact your project or consulting representative or account manager to discuss any changes that may occur in the delivery of your projects due to the current evolving situation so we can work with your organisation to ensure we can maintain a close to normal service.

Sales and Account Management

B2BE sales and account management teams will also be available via email and telephone and can be contacted in the event your organisation needs to discuss any current or future requirements.

Sales and account management teams, based on current government health advice, will not be able to visit your premises as usual. However, they remain at your disposal while WFH.

We believe it is important to take reasonable steps to protect our clients and personnel as well as to prevent the unnecessary spread of the virus in our community.

As we implement further contingencies to combat this pandemic, our focus remains on the needs of our clients.

We are grateful for your understanding and ongoing support as we are committed to ensuring our services continue with as little disruption as possible.

Yours sincerely

Joe Ch’ng

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