Calculating Dynamic Discounting Savings for Suppliers and Buyers

Calculating Dynamic Discounting Savings for Suppliers and Buyers: Unlocking the Power of Dynamic Discounting

Calculating Dynamic Discounting Savings for Suppliers and Buyers | B2BE Blog

In the fast-paced world of business, companies are continually seeking innovative ways to optimize cash flow and enhance financial efficiency. One such strategy gaining popularity is dynamic discounting, a win-win solution for both suppliers and buyers. Dynamic discounting allows businesses to access early payment discounts on invoices, generating savings and improving financial health. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of calculating dynamic discounting savings for both suppliers and buyers, offering easy-to-use calculators as valuable tools.

Understanding Dynamic Discounting

Dynamic discounting is a flexible method that enables suppliers to receive early payment on their invoices in exchange for offering a discount to the buyer. The key advantage for suppliers lies in gaining quicker access to funds, promoting stronger liquidity and better financial stability. On the other hand, buyers benefit from cost savings due to the negotiated early payment discounts.

Calculating Dynamic Discounting Savings for Suppliers

For suppliers, calculating dynamic discounting savings is a straightforward process. The first step involves determining the discount percentage offered to the buyer. For example, if a supplier offers a 2% discount on a $10,000 invoice, the discount value is $200 (2% of $10,000). Next, evaluate the early payment period available to the supplier. Suppose the early payment window is 20 days before the actual due date. If the standard payment term is 30 days, the supplier saves 10 days through dynamic discounting.

Now, to calculate the savings, use the formula:

Savings = (Discount Value / Invoice Amount) / (Number of Days Saved / 365) * 100

For instance:

Savings = ($200 / $10,000) / (10 / 365) * 100 ≈ 7.30%

Actualisation dynamique des fournisseurs | Finance de la chaîne d'approvisionnement | B2BE

Calculating Dynamic Discounting Savings for Buyers

For buyers, determining the savings generated through dynamic discounting involves a slightly different approach. Start by identifying the discount percentage offered by the supplier. Using the previous example, if the supplier offers a 2% discount on a $10,000 invoice, the discount value is again $200 (2% of $10,000). Now, evaluate the early payment period taken advantage of by the buyer. Suppose the buyer opts for early payment at 15 days before the actual due date, and the standard payment term is 30 days. The buyer saves 15 days through dynamic discounting.

The formula to calculate savings is the same as for suppliers:

Savings = (Discount Value / Invoice Amount) / (Number of Days Saved / 365) * 100

For example:

Savings = ($200 / $10,000) / (15 / 365) * 100 ≈ 9.86%

En savoir plus sur notre solution Buyer Dynamic Discounting.

Utilising ROI Calculators for Dynamic Discounting

To simplify the calculation process, businesses can leverage user-friendly ROI calculators provided by B2BE, a leading provider of electronic data interchange (EDI) and e-invoicing solutions. Suppliers can use the “ROI Calculator for Supplier“, while buyers can utilise the “Calculateur de retour sur investissement pour l'acheteur” to determine their potential savings through dynamic discounting. These tools take into account invoice amounts, discount percentages, and early payment periods, providing accurate insights within seconds.


Dynamic discounting offers a strategic advantage for businesses seeking to enhance cash flow, streamline financial operations, and forge stronger partnerships between suppliers and buyers. By offering early payment discounts, suppliers can unlock faster access to funds, while buyers can secure considerable cost savings. Calculating dynamic discounting savings need not be a complex task, as the process involves evaluating discount percentages and early payment periods. To expedite the process, B2BE’s ROI calculators for suppliers and buyers provide a convenient and efficient way to determine potential savings, empowering businesses to make well-informed financial decisions. So why wait? Embrace the power of dynamic discounting and unlock substantial benefits for your business today!

Learn more about B2BE’s Dynamic Discounting solution.

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