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AP Invoice | What Is It + Why It Matters In Business | B2BE

Qu'est-ce qu'une facture AP et pourquoi est-elle importante pour les entreprises ?

In the world of business finance, accounts payable (AP) invoices play a crucial role in managing payments to suppliers and vendors. An AP invoice is essentially a document received by a business from a supplier, detailing the amount owed for products or services delivered. Managing accounts payable invoices efficiently is critical for maintaining good supplier […]

Qu'est-ce qu'une facture AP et pourquoi est-elle importante pour les entreprises ? Lire la suite »

Paid Invoices | How Long For Businesses To Get Paid? | B2BE

Factures payées : Combien de temps faut-il aux entreprises pour être payées ?

In this article, we outline the typical timelines for paid invoices using results from our latest poll. Invoicing is a critical part of any business. However, one of the biggest challenges many companies face is the time it takes for invoices to get paid. Slow payments can significantly impact cash flow and create additional stress

Factures payées : Combien de temps faut-il aux entreprises pour être payées ? Lire la suite »

Une décomposition simple des 5 composantes du fonds de roulement

Working capital is a critical financial metric that influences a company’s day-to-day operations and long-term financial health. In simple terms, working capital refers to the resources a company needs to fund its short-term obligations and operational needs. To better manage cash flow and liquidity, it’s essential to understand the main components of working capital. 5

Une décomposition simple des 5 composantes du fonds de roulement Lire la suite »

Comment calculer le nombre de jours des comptes clients pour améliorer le flux de trésorerie ?

Calculating the days in accounts receivable (AR) is key to understanding how long it takes for your business to collect payments after making a sale. This metric, often referred to as Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), helps assess your company’s efficiency in converting sales into cash. Managing AR days well is crucial for maintaining a healthy

Comment calculer le nombre de jours des comptes clients pour améliorer le flux de trésorerie ? Lire la suite »

Send Invoices | What Methods Are Businesses Using? | B2BE

Envoyez-vous encore des factures par la poste ou êtes-vous passé aux solutions numériques ?

In today’s digital age, businesses have a variety of methods to send invoices to their clients. With technology advancing, traditional approaches like mailing invoices by post are becoming less common, while digital platforms are rising in popularity. Poll results In our most recent LinkedIn poll, we asked our followers how they send invoices to their

Envoyez-vous encore des factures par la poste ou êtes-vous passé aux solutions numériques ? Lire la suite »

How The CTC Model Is Revolutionising E-Invoicing | B2BE

How the CTC Model is Revolutionising E-Invoicing

The Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) model is becoming increasingly prominent in e-invoicing processes worldwide. As more governments look to tighten tax controls and ensure real-time visibility into business transactions, the CTC model has therefore emerged as a solution to streamline compliance and minimise fraud. What is a CTC Model? The CTC (Continuous Transaction Controls) model

How the CTC Model is Revolutionising E-Invoicing Lire la suite »

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