Poll Results: Artificial Intelligence (AI) And The Supply Chain | Blog | B2BE

Are you currently using AI (artificial intelligence) as part of your supply chain management strategy?

Poll Results: Artificial Intelligence (AI) And The Supply Chain | Blog

Poll results

In our most recent LinkedIn poll, B2BE asked the opinion of supply chain professionals about how they would describe their current relationship with AI (artificial intelligence), particularly as it relates to their supply chain. AI has the potential to improve supply chain management and make solutions more dynamic and flexible. However, there are limits to artificial intelligence. Specific problems might be resistant to the benefits typically offered by large data systems. However, using the amount of data generated by company operations, an organisation can use AI solutions to transform supply chain operations, such as factory automation, quality control, forecasting, and predictive maintenance.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the supply chain: what we found

  • Of those asked, 53%, a majority, responded that they had not yet, but were interested in integrating AI with their supply chain management.
  • Next, in second place, with 27% of the responses, were those who said, yes, they were currently using AI already, and that it’s a key part.
  • The next largest amount, with 13%, were those that said, not yet but were actively pursuing AI already as part of their supply chain strategy.
  • Finally, the smallest contingent, 7%, replied saying, no, they were not currently using AI, and, furthermore, that they were not planning to do so soon.

These results are fairly encouraging as, although only 27% of respondents said that they were already augmenting their solutions with artificial intelligence, a clear majority, 93% said that they were, at least interested in doing so, with 40% either using it already in their supply chain or actively pursuing it.

More information

B2BE’s experience in the supply chain sector allows our clients to develop, expand and adapt successfully, enabling greater effectiveness. To engage with B2BE and offer feedback on what matters most to you and your business, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and across social media. You can also vote on our latest LinkedIn poll. If you’d like to discuss your supply chain strategy, including AI (artificial intelligence), get in touch with us.

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