Is Automation Key To Retaining And Recruiting Staff? | Blog | B2BE

Is automation the key when your organisation is struggling to retain or recruit staff?

Is Automation Key To Retaining And Recruiting Staff? | Blog | B2BE

Three quarters of UK businesses have been struck by labour shortages, which has a huge knock-on effect on operations. Nearly half of those organisations also admit they’ve been unable to meet output demands as a result.

To help market shortages, almost half of the questioned organisations also asked for the government to introduce incentives to help them invest in technology to boost productivity and help reach demand. Could technology and automation be the answers organisations are looking for to help when they’re struggling to retain or recruit staff?

While it’s clear that market shortages are impacting an organisation’s ability to operate at full capacity, it’s also hindering any growth opportunities they currently or are set to have. A decline in the output shows the struggle to meet the demand for production caused mainly by staff shortages and high inflation. Not only has this driven the cost of material and goods, but it’s put pressure on many businesses to raise employment salaries to attract new talent as the cost of living rises.

New ways of working and embracing automation

As organisations focus on departments such as sales and customer service to continue their business growth, sales organisations need to adjust their ways of working. They need to understand the benefits of technology to ensure they can spend their time supporting the business in adding value and growth. For example, early adopters of sales automation report increased customer-facing time and higher customer satisfaction, highlighting the benefits of automating the more administrative manual tasks required of them.

The future of the sales team isn’t likely to be completely automated but, in reality, a mix between humans and machines working together to provide the best service for the customer. However, automation can be a powerful tool that complements the team, removing the low value-adding tasks and boosting their efficiency in the tasks that add value to the business.

Ontdek hoe je de groei van je bedrijf kunt managen terwijl je hard werkt om je personeel te behouden

Does sales automation sound like something your organisation is missing? Join the B2BE team in an online webinar on the 10th November at 12PM GMT where the team will go into more detail about how your existing staff can gain more time to improve customer service and increase sales, bring new employees up to speed faster and ensure that business as usual continues when staff leave.

Sign up here

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B2BE levert wereldwijd elektronische oplossingen voor de toeleveringsketen, waarmee organisaties hun toeleveringsprocessen beter kunnen beheren en meer zichtbaarheid, controleerbaarheid en controle krijgen. We worden gedreven door passie voor wat we doen, geïnspireerd door innovatie en ondersteund door een schat aan kennis. Met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring zijn de B2BE-teams wereldwijd actief.

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