Businesses are increasingly relying on electronic systems for their communication and transactions. This is where the PEPPOL e-delivery network comes in. The PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line) network is an open standard for e-procurement. It enables businesses to exchange electronic documents seamlessly, securely, and efficiently with their trading partners across Europe.
If you’re a business looking to join the PEPPOL network, there are a few important questions to ask. In this blog, we will explore these questions and provide you with a summary of why they’re essential to ask.
1. Who do you want to trade with on the PEPPOL e-delivery network?
One of the key considerations for businesses looking to join the PEPPOL e-delivery network is to determine who they want to trade with on the network. This includes identifying the types of organisations, their locations, and the countries they operate in. By defining your trading partners on the network, you can better understand the specific PEPPOL requirements and standards that you need to meet. In addition to any potential challenges you may face. It is therefore essential to have a clear understanding of your trading partners’ requirements. This will ensure a smooth and successful implementation of the PEPPOL e-delivery network for your business.
2. The PEPPOL E-Delivery Network currently supports invoices. However, they will in the future support other document types. Did you also want to look at these when they’re available?
Another important consideration for businesses looking to join the PEPPOL e-delivery network is whether they want to utilise the network beyond just electronic invoicing. While PEPPOL currently supports invoices, it is important to keep in mind that the network is expanding to support other document types in the future. As such, businesses should evaluate whether they would like to take advantage of these new capabilities when they become available. By considering these additional document types early on, businesses can better prepare their systems and processes for the future, ensuring a more seamless transition to these new capabilities when they become available.
3. What systems do you use? Can you get invoices out of the system, or do you already?
A crucial factor to consider when joining the PEPPOL e-delivery network is the compatibility of existing systems. To determine this compatibility, businesses should ask themselves what systems they currently use. As well as whether they can generate and receive invoices electronically. If their existing systems cannot generate electronic invoices, businesses will need to invest in additional software or services. However, if their systems can already generate electronic invoices, it may be easier to integrate with the PEPPOL e-delivery network. By evaluating their systems’ capabilities upfront, businesses can determine the necessary steps to enable the electronic exchange of invoices on the PEPPOL network.
4. How do you want to send or receive your invoices on the PEPPOL e-Delivery Network? For example, SFTP, AS2, HTTPs or API?
Businesses looking to join the PEPPOL e-delivery network must consider how they want to send and receive electronic invoices. There are several methods available, including SFTP, AS2, HTTPS, and APIs. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and businesses must choose the one that best fits their specific needs and capabilities. For instance, SFTP is a secure and reliable method for exchanging files over the internet. While APIs allow for more real-time integration between systems. By selecting the appropriate method for sending and receiving invoices, businesses can ensure that their operations are efficient, secure, and streamlined.
5. What formats can your system support, or do you support already?
Another critical consideration is the compatibility of their existing systems with the network’s required document formats. Businesses should ask themselves what document formats their systems can support. Or if they already support the required PEPPOL formats, including Universal Business Language (UBL) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards. If their systems do not currently support these formats, businesses will need to invest in additional software or services. By ensuring that their systems can support the required document formats, businesses can take full advantage of the PEPPOL e-delivery network and streamline their electronic invoicing processes.
6. Do the invoices need more information sent in the files which your PEPPOL trading partner needs which you don’t hold or manage?
When joining the PEPPOL e-delivery network, businesses should consider whether their trading partners require additional information in the invoices that they don’t currently hold or manage. This includes any specific data or fields that their trading partners require to process invoices accurately and efficiently. Businesses should ensure that they have the necessary data and fields required by their trading partners and determine if they need to modify their existing systems to capture this information. By ensuring that they can provide all necessary information in the invoices sent via the PEPPOL network, businesses can avoid any delays or issues in the invoice processing and payment cycles.
7. Are you trading invoices electronically at present? If not, did you also wish to combine PEPPOL implementation with standard EDI or other e-invoice document management solutions?
Businesses that are not currently trading invoices electronically should consider whether they wish to combine their PEPPOL implementation with other e-invoice document management solutions. For example, standard EDI. By doing so, businesses can take advantage of the benefits offered by multiple electronic invoicing solutions and streamline their invoicing processes. For instance, EDI provides a structured way of exchanging electronic business documents. While PEPPOL provides a secure and standard method of exchanging electronic invoices across borders. By combining these two solutions, businesses can create a more efficient and streamlined invoicing process. Thus leading to faster payments and improved cash flow. Businesses should evaluate their invoicing needs and determine whether a combined approach would be beneficial for their operations.
U kunt download these questions for free to share with your business here of contact us to discuss how you can implement an accounts payable solution.
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B2BE delivers electronic supply chain solutions globally, helping organisations to better manage their supply chain processes, providing greater levels of visibility, auditability and control. We’re driven by a passion for what we do, inspired by innovation, and underpinned by a wealth of knowledge. With over 20+ years of experience, the B2BE teams operate worldwide.
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