B2BE Weekly Supply Chain Bulletin - 13 Feb 2023 | B2BE Blog

Our weekly supply chain bulletin – 13 February 2023

B2BE Weekly Supply Chain Bulletin - 13 Feb 2023 | B2BE Blog

This is your weekly supply chain bulletin from B2BE for the week starting 13th February 2023.

Each week, we bring you a rundown of the latest trends in the news from across the supply chain industry. We cover the issues most important to you, bringing you useful links to the full articles. This ranges from news on various supply chain disruptions to strategies to lessen the damage. We also include other relevant supply chain related updates. If you missed it, you can read last week’s supply chain bulletin here. Read on to see what’s making the news this week.

Flying high: Bombardier predicts record business jet deliveries in 2023

Canada’s leading aerospace company, Bombardier, has forecasted a record number of business jet deliveries in 2023. The announcement comes as a result of increased demand for Bombardier’s aircraft, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The company’s Chief Operating Officer, Frédéric Gagey, stated that Bombardier is well-equipped to meet the growing demand and continue its upward trajectory. This news is a positive sign for the aerospace industry and a testament to Bombardier’s competitiveness in the market.

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Businesses brace for supply chain impact of Turkey earthquake

The recent earthquake in Turkey has raised concerns among businesses about the potential fall-out on global supply chains. The quake, which measured 6.7 in magnitude, has led to widespread damage in the affected areas and disrupted key infrastructure, including transportation routes.

As a result, businesses around the world that rely on Turkish imports or have supply chain links in the country are closely monitoring the situation and preparing for potential disruptions to their operations. Companies are working with their suppliers and logistics providers to minimise any impact and find alternative sources if needed. The earthquake therefore serves as a reminder of the importance of having robust contingency plans in place to manage unexpected supply chain disruptions.

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EU offshore wind goals threatened by supply chain mismatch

The European Union’s ambitious offshore wind energy goals are being threatened by a mismatch in the supply chain. The rapid growth in demand for offshore wind turbines and components has put pressure on suppliers, leading to supply shortages and price increases. The supply chain issues are also affecting the construction and installation of offshore wind farms, causing delays and adding to the cost. The challenge highlights the need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to developing the offshore wind energy sector.

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Supply chain tech shortfall: report calls for greater visibility investment

According to a recent report, the current technology used by many supply chains is lacking in visibility capabilities. The report argues that supply chains need to invest in better technology to improve visibility and efficiency. This is in addition to providing real-time data to key stakeholders.

In the report, the benefits of using advanced technology are highlighted, including improved decision-making, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction. It also stresses the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach to visibility, including the integration of multiple data sources and the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence. The findings serve as a wake-up call for supply chains to take a more proactive approach to investing in visibility technology and ensuring their operations are optimised for the future.

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