B2BE Weekly Supply Chain Bulletin - 27 March 2023 | B2BE Blog

Our weekly supply chain bulletin – 27 March 2023

B2BE Weekly Supply Chain Bulletin - 27 March 2023 | B2BE Blog

This is your weekly supply chain bulletin from B2BE for the week starting 27th March 2023.

Each week, we bring you a rundown of the latest trends in the news from across the supply chain industry. We cover the issues most important to you, bringing you useful links to the full articles. This ranges from news on various supply chain disruptions to strategies to lessen the damage. We also include other relevant supply chain related updates. If you missed it, you can read last week’s supply chain bulletin here. Read on to see what’s making the news this week.

Container shipping giant, Maersk, calls for New Zealand to lift its act as the country is slower to recover than the global average

Maersk, the world’s largest container shipping company, has called for New Zealand’s supply chain to improve its productivity. This is following news the country is lagging behind other nations in terms of post-pandemic recovery. Maersk’s country manager for New Zealand cited a lack of investment in infrastructure and automation as factors hindering productivity growth. In addition, Maersk has urged the government to take action to address these issues.

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Global supply chain intermediary Avetta warns added pressure to supply chain from growing financial risk

Global supply chain intermediary Avetta has warned supply constraints will be amplified by a worldwide recession. As a result, this could push up the probability of contractors going bust and leave companies stranded on major projects. Avetta works with businesses across the world as an intermediary to manage supply chain safety, sustainability and risk. They also claimed the probability of riskier contractors defaulting rises to 70 per cent when a recession strikes, which would further frustrate supply chains already under pressures.

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Change of Australian government “did not cause supply chain and inflation woes”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says the Opposition would have Australians believe there was no inflation or supply chain issues prior to a change of government, which is “just not true”. During question time the Australian Prime Minister explained that while changes to interest rates began during their time in power, the inflationary pressures have been in the economy for a period of time, with added pressure from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the supply chain issues that emerged from the pandemic

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Industry warn UK is set to miss out on investment in renewable energy projects

Industry groups in the UK are calling on the government to increase funding for renewable energy projects in the upcoming budget review. The groups argue that the current budget allocation for the fifth allocation round (AR5) of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme is insufficient to support the scale of investment needed to achieve the country’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050. They further suggest that increasing the budget for AR5 could stimulate job creation, reduce energy costs for consumers, and accelerate the transition to clean energy.

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