First Steps Managed Customer Invoice Distribution | B2BE

First Steps for Managed Customer Invoice Distribution

First steps in automating your Managed Customer Invoice Distribution to ensure invoices are received by customers

B2BE’s Managed Customer Invoice Distribution solution is designed to eliminate the uncertainty and frustration of traditional invoicing. To get started, it is important to understand your current situation and identify improvement areas. Here are the first steps to guide you.

First Steps


What does success look like for your invoicing process?

  • Define your goals: Faster payments? Reduced DSO? Improved customer satisfaction?
  • Have you identified the local and government requirements for your invoicing process?
  • Identify key metrics to track progress.

How does your finance team collaborate with other departments to create invoices?

  • Are there bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the process?
  • What support does the finance team need to streamline invoice creation?

What are your internal approval processes for issuing invoices?

  • Are there any unnecessary steps or delays?
  • How can you streamline approvals without sacrificing control?

What resources are currently dedicated to invoicing and collections?

  • How much time and effort are spent on manual tasks?
  • How many resources are being used to manage the invoice distribution, and how much does it cost?
  • What challenges does your team face in managing the process?

How do your customers prefer to receive invoices?

  • Do you have a mix of delivery methods (email, EDI, paper, etc.)?
  • Are you able to accommodate their preferences?

How do you currently track invoice delivery and processing status?

  • Do you have visibility into when invoices are received and viewed?
  • Are you able to proactively address any issues?

First Steps for Managed Customer Invoice Distribution

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