Supplier Web Portal Solutions
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Visibly driving supplier collaboration
To truly collaborate with suppliers, buyers need to share information about processes openly and in an easy to consume way. To maximise supply side supply chains, creating an environment to share and disseminate information is important.
The Supplier Web Portal does just that. While the buyer may have access to many of the supplier specific tools, many aspects can be shared with suppliers or they allow interaction with suppliers within the context of the buying and selling process.
For example, supplier invoices; suppliers want to be sure buyers have invoices, they’re being processed and will be paid on time and in full. Many of the workflows and solutions allow this as well as many other processes and solutions within your Procure to Pay (P2P) environment.
Supplier Web Portal helping to solve
Limited supplier visibility of buyer processes
The more your organisation keeps supplier process and information hidden, or simply not easily made available, means the more effort will be involved within each function of your organisation to manage the relationship. In some cases where there’s limited visibility this may also mean that you end up purchasing the wrong goods from the wrong suppliers effecting your bottom line.
Minimal information sharing
Sharing information in a more streamlined way means it’s easier for suppliers to be responsive, easier to get the right goods at the right time, and will help improve your P2P environment. Limited information sharing means many parties in the process are left guessing or left to resolve issues much later after valuable time has been lost.
Many and multiple supplier touch points
Of course many organisations are complex, many people in the organisation can purchase goods, or systems are managing replenishment stock. Multiple touch points mean there’s usually many documents flying around at different stages and phases of the process adding layers of complexity for employees and trading partners to track and trace.
Multiple issue resolution interactions
Sometimes suppliers simply don’t know who to speak to to resolve queries or issues. Many different functions from procurement, warehousing and finance are involved in the process and sometimes the supplier can’t necessarily see all the moving parts ramping up supplier support requirements.
Self service
Many systems or processes cannot be made available to suppliers. Either due to the sensitivity of having a third party in your environment or there’s issues with licensing and or data restrictions. The greater level of self-service however, means the more the supplier is independent, the greater the reduction in personnel managing a supplier.
B2BE’s Supplier Web Portal workflow

Our Supplier Web Portal allows buyers to share information with suppliers about processes openly and in an easy to consume way.
Key features of B2BE's Supplier Web Portal solutions
Supplier on-boarding
Of course having the Supplier Web Portal is one thing, but you want to get suppliers on-board and trading electronically. B2BE can help you with this process or provide tools to facilitate this. The Web Portal has a Supplier On-boarding workflow to help drive your suppliers to use the systems to help your organisation and the supplier.
Access and data restrictions
Within your organisation you may have a branch network or retail network, distribution centres and your head office. Similarly a supplier may sell across multiple branches and deal with a head office, or at branch/store level, for payment issues. This means there are many touch points and each one of these needs to be managed so sensitive data is not shared, or in some cases, is simply not relevant to some parties in the process. Data restrictions means data and users are easily restricted to see only what is relevant to them.
Document Management access
All the documents you send between you and your suppliers are available within the Web Portal. If the document forms part of a transaction all documents are also linked so it means your organisation can see purchase orders, purchase order changes, responses, ASNs and invoices, for example. Similarly, your suppliers can also see these helping them to be self supportive.
Supplier solutions and workflows
Many of the solutions available through the Supplier Web Portal are designed to give you improved ways to distribute documents, manage your accounts payable, queries and many other solutions to automate your P2P environment. More importantly, this ensures the organisation’s functions who manage these processes still continue to do so easily, with greater levels of visibility, audit and control.
Single tenanted
As the Supplier Web Portal is single tenanted, it means that you do not share applications or data with other B2BE customers. This means you can customise the look and feel of the Web Portal and how the solutions are configured and work. You get a solution specifically designed for your organisation’s situation, needs and your suppliers.
What you can achieve with B2BE's Supplier Web Portal solutions
Full supplier Document Management visibility
Supplier management workflows
The workflows for your organisation and suppliers are all accessible via the centralised supplier Web Portal.
Whether you use an accounts payable solution such as three way or two way matching, expense invoice workflow or have workflows such as Query or Approval to manage suppliers, they’re accessible all in one place.
Supplier access
The Web Portal, based on its security approach, means suppliers can also add other people from their teams. A supplier’s credit team may want multiple credit people to have access to their invoices and other payment based documents, which will ultimately remove queries to your accounts payable teams.
Access to B2BE's Purchase to Pay solutions
The supplier Web Portal provides the window into many of B2BE’s P2P processes. These are specifically designed for the owner of the Web Portal, accounts payable solutions, for example. However, many more are designed to allow engagement with suppliers, provide visibility and collaboration to reduce errors, waste and drive efficiencies while better managing your transactional data and documents.
Supplier engagement
Engaging with suppliers proactively will give your organisation greater flexibility to manage exceptional circumstances, manage supplier review processes and in general terms create an environment that is more collaborative and harmonious.
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