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Upcoming Webinar – Improve your Accounts Payable Process from Objective to Action Plan

B2BE Netherlands is hosting a webinar on Thursday 17th June 2021 at 3:00 pm CEST. We will be discussing how to improve your Accounts Payable process, an issue that companies have been struggling with for decades. The issue we believe is that whilst objectives are formulated into annual plans, they are difficult to achieve as we are

Upcoming Webinar – Improve your Accounts Payable Process from Objective to Action Plan 阅读更多 "


早在 2019 年 5 月,Billentis 的 Bruno Koch 就发布了一份题为 "2019-2025 年电子发票之旅 "的报告。 (您可以从我们的网站下载该报告。)报告回顾了未来五年可能影响电子发票的新兴技术。然而,由于 COVID-19 的影响,供应链数字化转型正在加速、

成为成功食品和新鲜农产品批发商的关键--最佳实践自动化和最佳实践关键绩效指标 阅读更多 "
