

Supply Chain Sustainability: Outcome Of COP27 | B2BE Blog

The outcome of COP27 on supply chain sustainability

Will organisations become motivated to improve their supply chain sustainability? What is supply chain sustainability? Supply chain sustainability is an organisation’s effort to consider the environmental and human impact of a product’s journey through the supply chain. Whether this is for raw material sourcing, production, storage, delivery or the transportation links between. Businesses have a […]

The outcome of COP27 on supply chain sustainability 阅读更多 "

Advantages of Sales Order Automation | Poll Results | B2BE Blog

What are the biggest advantages of sales order automation for your organisation?

Sales order automation concerns the way a business processes its customers’ orders and directly impacts the order to payment process. Organisations that rely on manual processes could put themselves at risk of delivering poor customer service, impacting their profitability. With challenges such as sales orders not being complete, data being wrong and the customer having

What are the biggest advantages of sales order automation for your organisation? 阅读更多 "
