W&ED: B2BE In Wholesaler & Electrical Distributor Magazine | Blog

In the news: Where do we go from here? B2BE featured in latest W&ED magazine

W&ED: B2BE In Wholesaler & Electrical Distributor Magazine | Blog

B2BE’s Joe Pettit is featured in the autumn edition of the Wholesaler & Electrical Distributor (W&ED) magazine

The W&ED provides wholesalers and electrical distributors with essential business information and analyses the key issues facing the electrical wholesaling sector. Over the last three years, organisations everywhere saw a dramatic spike in the acceleration of digital transformation. This was the same for the electrical industry. In the height of the pandemic, the transition towards a successful digital transformation journey became the difference between survival and success. Digital transformation was shown to have the potential to improve processes for the electrical sector around data analytics, accounts receivable and invoice financing, and improving compatibility with potential government mandates.

In this article in the W&ED magazine, Joe highlights that within this potential, some business elements can function as severe obstacles in the digital transformation journey unless carefully addressed. These can be broadly categorised as systems, process, culture and supply chain.

Read the full article on page 18 in the Autumn edition of W&ED

Digital transformation in the electrical sector

Today, as organisations begin to head back to a state of ‘norm’ the ambition toward digital transformation has become stale. But in reality, the benefits of digital transformation can continue. Knowing what direction organisations should take to see the most significant benefits is an area businesses have shared concerns with. B2BE is hosting a free webinar on Thursday, 15th September, on how the electrical sector can continue to THRIVE with Digital Transformation, even in the midst of a global crisis. Resister here: https://app.livestorm.co/b2be/edawebinar.

As Joe described in the feature, to succeed with digital transformation growth, start by focusing on the problem that needs solving before fixating on complicated solutions as an end in themselves. Only by focusing on the problems that need solving can we harness the best solution in the best way. Join the team on the 15th to find out how your business can make the most of its digital transformation journey.

Find out more: Digital Transformation in the Electrical sector online webinar

Join us on the 15th of September at 10 am as we host the online webinar: How the Electrical sector can THRIVE with Digital Transformation even in the midst of a Global crisis. This webinar will focus on the current digital transformation trends in the electrical industry, the potential to dramatically improve order to cash and purchase to pay processes and understand how your business can leverage transformation opportunities. Register here: https://app.livestorm.co/b2be/edawebinar.
