Document Processing Workflow Solutions | Key Features | B2BE

Key features of document processing workflow solutions

In this article, we look at what factors are important when selecting a document processing workflow solution.

Document processing workflows have long existed to make sure businesses can ensure their operations happen smoothly while maintaining consistency and accuracy in their work. In recent years, digital transformation has led to a lot of innovation—including automated document processing workflow solutions. These solutions aim to handle the creation, management, validation and tracking of documents such as invoices and contracts.


在我们最近的 ǞǞǞ poll, we asked our followers what they look for in a document correction workflow solution.

What to look for in a document processing workflow solution

  •  Data validation
  • 完全可配置
  • 链接文件
  • Fully auditable

Data validation

Data validation was the most critical feature according to 50% of our poll respondents. Validating data ensures that all documents processed within the workflow comply with predefined standards and business rules. This feature is essential for preventing errors, reducing discrepancies, and maintaining data integrity throughout the document processing lifecycle. Data validation tools automatically check the accuracy and completeness of incoming and outgoing documents, flagging any issues for correction before they impact the workflow. By ensuring data accuracy and compliance, businesses can avoid costly mistakes, enhance decision-making, and maintain smooth, efficient operations.

Watch our video round-up below:


A fully configurable solution also emerged as a top priority among respondents, with 42% highlighting its importance. A fully configurable document processing workflow solution allows businesses to tailor the workflow to meet their specific needs and business processes. This flexibility ensures that the solution can adapt to various document types, departmental requirements, and industry regulations. Customisable workflows enable businesses to define rules, approval hierarchies, and document handling procedures that align with their unique operational needs. By providing this level of customisation, fully configurable solutions therefore help businesses maximise efficiency, reduce bottlenecks, and maintain consistency across their document processing activities.

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The ability to link documents was highlighted by 8% of respondents as an important feature of document processing workflow solutions. Linked documents functionality allows related documents to be connected within the workflow, providing a comprehensive view of all relevant information. This capability is particularly valuable for complex processes that involve multiple documents, such as contract management, procurement, and project documentation. By linking documents, businesses can improve accessibility, ensure that all relevant information is easily retrievable, and enhance collaboration among team members. This feature supports better decision-making and helps maintain a cohesive and organised document management system.

Fully auditable

The feature of being fully auditable did not receive votes in our poll. However, it remains a critical aspect of document processing workflow solutions, especially for businesses that must adhere to strict regulatory and compliance standards. A fully auditable solution provides a complete record of all actions taken on documents, including who accessed, modified, approved, or rejected them. This transparency is essential for internal audits, compliance reporting, and resolving disputes.

Learn more about B2BE’s Document Processing Workflow solution.


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