Document Routing Workflow Solutions | Key Features | B2BE

What Businesses Need in Document Routing Workflow Solutions

In this article, we look at what factors are important when selecting a document routing workflow solution.

Mastering document routing workflows is key to ensuring that important documents reach the right people swiftly and accurately. These workflows streamline the process of reviewing, approving, and distributing documents, helping to reduce errors and boost productivity. As businesses increasingly adopt digital and cloud-based technologies, understanding the key features of effective document routing workflow solutions becomes crucial.


在我们最近的 ǞǞǞ poll, we asked our followers what they look for in a document routing workflow solution.

What to look for in a document routing workflow solution

  • Ease of use
  • Cloud-based solution
  • Supports any format
  • Fully auditable

Ease of use

Ease of use emerged as the top priority among respondents, with 56% highlighting its importance. A user-friendly document routing workflow solution is crucial for ensuring that all employees, regardless of technical expertise, can effectively navigate and utilise the system. Ease of use encompasses intuitive interfaces, straightforward configuration options, and clear instructions for performing various tasks within the workflow. When solutions are easy to use, businesses can achieve faster adoption rates, reduce training costs, and ensure that workflows are executed smoothly and efficiently. By prioritising ease of use, businesses can empower their teams to manage document routing processes with confidence and minimal friction.

Cloud-based solution

Cloud-based solutions were also prioritised by 22% of respondents. These offer several advantages, including accessibility from any location, real-time collaboration, and scalability. These solutions enable employees to access and manage document workflows from anywhere, using any device with internet connectivity. This flexibility is particularly valuable in today’s hybrid work environment, where team members may be dispersed across various locations. Additionally, cloud-based solutions provide scalable resources, allowing businesses to adjust their capacity based on demand without significant upfront investments in infrastructure. Enhanced security measures in cloud solutions also ensure that sensitive data is protected and compliance requirements are met.

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Supports any format

The ability to support any document format was highlighted by 11% of respondents as an important feature of document routing workflow solutions. Versatility in handling various document formats is essential because businesses deal with a wide array of document types. For example, PDFs, word documents, excel spreadsheets, and more. A solution that supports any format ensures that all relevant documents can be seamlessly integrated into the routing workflow, therefore reducing the need for multiple systems and minimising manual interventions. This capability enhances efficiency, ensures compatibility across different platforms, and allows for a more cohesive document management strategy.

Fully auditable

The ability to maintain a fully auditable document routing workflow was also voted by 11% of respondents. A fully auditable solution provides a complete record of all actions taken on documents, including who accessed, modified, approved, or routed them. This transparency is essential for internal audits, compliance reporting, and resolving disputes. An audit trail ensures accountability, helps identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the workflow, as well as supporting regulatory compliance. Even though it received fewer votes, maintaining auditability is crucial for organisations that need to demonstrate compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Learn more about B2BE’s Document Routing Workflow solution.


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