Happy Diwali from B2BE

Happy Diwali from B2BE


B2BE wishes its customers and partners a happy Diwali.

B2BE India Business Development Manager, Jayakar Rangaraj, says “Diwali is certainly the biggest and the brightest of all Indian festivals. It’s the festival of lights that’s marked by four days of celebration, which literally illumines the country with its brilliance, and dazzles all with its joy. Each of the four days in the festival of Diwali is separated by a different tradition, but what remains true and constant is the celebration of life, its enjoyment and goodness. It symbolizes that age-old culture of India which teaches to vanquish ignorance that subdues humanity and to drive away darkness that engulfs the light of knowledge. Even today in this modern world it projects the rich and glorious past of India. Of all the festivals celebrated in India, Diwali is by far the most glamorous and important. Enthusiastically enjoyed by people of every religion, its magical and radiant touch creates an atmosphere of joy and festivity. In each legend, myth and story of Diwali lies the significance of the victory of good over evil; and it is with each Diwali and the lights that illuminate our homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. From darkness unto light — the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity. During Diwali, lights illuminate every corner of India and the scent of incense sticks hangs in the air, mingled with the sounds of fire-crackers, joy, togetherness and hope.

This Diwali I am very excited to meet and celebrate with my family and friends and also try and give the orphaned and physically challenged children a memorable Diwali”.
