How AP Automation Transforms Your Workflow | B2BE Blog

How AP Automation Transforms Your Workflow

How AP Automation Transforms Your Workflow | B2BE Blog

Accounts payable (AP) teams play a vital role in managing the financial operations of a business. However, manual and paper-based processes can often bog them down, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and delays. Fortunately, accounts payable automation offers a transformative solution to these challenges. In this article, we will explore the benefits of AP automation and address common pain points faced by AP professionals. As well as providing guidance on how to approach the transition to automation with your manager.

Challenges Faced by Accounts Payable Teams

Accounts payable teams face several common challenges that hinder their workflow efficiency:

  • Manual Data Entry: Manually entering invoice data into accounting systems is time-consuming and prone to human errors, leading to payment discrepancies and delays.
  • Invoice Processing Delays: Traditional paper-based processes, including manual routing and approvals, often result in lengthy invoice processing cycles, causing delayed payments and strained vendor relationships.
  • Lack of Visibility: Limited visibility into invoice status, approval workflows, and payment schedules makes it difficult to track and manage outstanding invoices and take advantage of early payment discounts.
  • Compliance and Security Risks: Manual processes increase the risk of non-compliance with regulatory requirements and expose sensitive financial information to security breaches.

How AP Automation Transforms the Workflow

Implementing accounts payable automation can significantly transform the workflow of AP teams. It brings numerous benefits to both the team and the business as a whole, including:

  • Streamlined Invoice Processing: Automation eliminates the need for manual data entry by extracting invoice information directly from digital or scanned documents. This accelerates the invoice processing cycle, reduces errors, and ensures accurate and timely payments.
  • Workflow Automation: AP automation enables the creation of customised workflows for invoice routing, approvals, and exception handling. This ensures that invoices are automatically routed to the appropriate stakeholders for review, approval, and resolution. As a result, this eliminates bottlenecks and improves process efficiency.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Reporting: Automation provides real-time visibility into the status of invoices. This enables AP teams to track payment schedules, identify bottlenecks, and generate insightful reports. This visibility facilitates proactive cash flow management, better decision-making, and improved vendor relationships.
  • Compliance and Security: AP automation platforms often incorporate robust security features and compliance controls. Automated processes can enforce segregation of duties, validate invoices against predefined rules, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. All of which reduce the risk of fraud and non-compliance.

Approaching the Transition to AP Automation

When approaching your manager about implementing AP automation, it is crucial to highlight the benefits for both team and business. Consider the following steps:

  • Research and Prepare: Familiarise yourself with different AP automation solutions available in the market. Gather data and case studies showcasing the benefits of automation, such as cost savings, efficiency gains, and error reduction.
  • Identify Pain Points: Analyse your current AP workflow and identify pain points that can be addressed by automation. Highlight specific challenges and explain how automation can mitigate these issues. These challenges could include manual data entry, processing delays, and compliance risks.
  • Demonstrate ROI: Quantify the potential return on investment (ROI) for the organisation by showcasing how automation can reduce costs, improve productivity, and capture early payment discounts. Present a business case that aligns with the company’s financial goals.
  • Highlight Benefits: Emphasize the benefits of AP automation beyond the AP team, such as improved vendor relationships, enhanced financial reporting, and better cash flow management. Show how automation aligns with the organisation’s overall objectives.
  • Pilot Project: Propose starting with a pilot project to demonstrate the effectiveness of AP automation. Identify a subset of vendors or a specific invoice type to automate, and outline a plan to measure the impact on productivity, accuracy, and cost savings.


Accounts Payable automation has the power to revolutionise the workflow of teams, addressing common challenges and delivering significant benefits. By automating manual processes, streamlining invoice processing, enhancing visibility, and ensuring compliance, AP automation transforms the way teams operate, ultimately benefiting the entire organisation.

When approaching your manager about implementing AP automation, focus on the specific pain points your team faces, such as manual data entry, processing delays, and compliance risks. Present a compelling business case that highlights the return on investment, improved productivity, and cost savings that automation can bring. Emphasize the broader benefits for the organisation, including enhanced vendor relationships, better financial reporting, and more effective cash flow management.

Consider proposing a pilot project to showcase the effectiveness of AP automation. This allows for a gradual transition and provides tangible results that can persuade stakeholders to embrace automation on a larger scale.

By highlighting the transformative power of AP automation and presenting a well-researched case, you can position yourself as an advocate for positive change within your AP team and contribute to the overall success of the organisation.

Learn more about B2BE’s Accounts Payable solution.
