Importance of Pre-Matching Validation in Accounts Payable | Blog

The Importance of Pre-Matching Validation in Accounts Payable: Enhancing Accuracy, Preventing Fraud, and Streamlining Processes

Importance of Pre-Matching Validation in Accounts Payable | Blog

Pre-matching validation is a crucial step in the accounts payable process. It involves verifying the accuracy of invoices before payment is made. In addition, pre-matching validation entails comparing the information on an invoice to the purchase order and receiving report. This comparison is to ensure the goods or services were actually received and that the invoice accurately reflects the agreed upon terms. By conducting pre-matching validation, businesses can minimise errors, reduce the risk of fraud, and streamline the accounts payable process.

Advantages of pre-matching validation for accounts payable

Ensure accuracy of financial transactions

One of the key benefits of pre-matching validation is that it helps to ensure the accuracy of financial transactions. When a business receives an invoice from a vendor, it is important to validate that the invoice matches the purchase order and the receiving report. This helps to ensure that the business is only paying for goods and services that it has actually received. Furthermore, it reduces the risk of overpayment or incorrect payment. Pre-matching validation can also help to catch mistakes such as incorrect quantities or prices. Failing to spot these errors can result in significant financial losses for the business.

Save time and money

Pre-matching validation also saves time and money for businesses. It reduces the need for manual reconciliation and the number of discrepancies that need to be resolved. When invoices are validated before payment is made, businesses can avoid the need for manual reconciliation. As well as saving the time and resources that are required to resolve discrepancies. This can help to streamline the accounts payable process, making it more efficient and cost-effective. By ensuring that payments are made accurately and on time, businesses can establish a reputation for reliable and efficient payment processes. This can help to foster positive relationships with vendors and reduce the risk of disputes or delays in payment.

Reducing the risk of fraud

An important benefit of pre-matching validation is that it reduces the risk of fraud. By verifying that invoices match purchase orders and receiving reports, businesses can detect any potential fraud or irregularities in the accounts payable process. For example, if an invoice is received for goods that were never actually received, pre-matching validation can help to detect this and prevent payment from being made. This helps to protect the business from financial loss and reputational damage.

Fraudulent activities can occur in any stage of the accounts payable process, including the creation of fake invoices, manipulation of purchase orders, and the submission of false receiving reports. Pre-matching validation helps to detect these fraudulent activities by verifying the authenticity of invoices and the accuracy of supporting documentation. By catching fraud early in the process, businesses can therefore prevent financial loss and protect their reputation.

Businesses can begin to identify patterns of fraud and implement controls to prevent future occurrences. For example, if an invoice is received for goods that were never actually received, pre-matching validation can help to detect this and prevent payment from being made. As well as ensuring the compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Many regulations and standards require businesses to have proper controls in place. This is to prevent fraud and ensure the accuracy of financial transactions. By conducting pre-matching validation, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to compliance and reduce the risk of penalties and legal action.


In summary, pre-matching validation is an important aspect of the accounts payable process for businesses. By conducting pre-matching validation, businesses can ensure the accuracy of financial transactions, reduce the risk of fraud, save time and money, and improve their relationships with vendors. To further maximise the benefits of pre-matching validation, businesses should implement automated solutions that can streamline the validation process and reduce the risk of errors.

Download our white paper to learn more about how automation and streamlining your accounts payable environment can help reduce the risk of fraud.



