Logistics Industry Supply Chain Issues | Poll Results | B2BE Blog

What is the biggest supply chain issue impacting the logistics industry in 2022?

Logistics Industry Supply Chain Issues | Poll Results | B2BE Blog

In 2020, it was reported that 35% of organisations experienced logistical delays in cross-border transportation. The pandemic heightened issues within the logistics industry that were beginning to arise in global supply chain processes, with the delays experienced reaching record highs. While some organisations and products halted demand instantly, others shot up with demand reaching new levels.


在我们最近的 ǞǞǞ poll, we asked our social media followers what they thought the biggest supply chain issue impacting the logistics industry was in 2022.

Logistics industry supply chain issues: what we found

Changes in demand patterns

70% of respondents highlighted long lead times as the biggest challenge for the logistical industry this year.

Ongoing global logistic disruptions from the pandemic continue to impact organisations as the flow of consumer goods into key markets such as North America and Europe, South East Asia and India is restricted by the continued shutdowns of major global ports and airports, largely in China, South Korea, and the US. As well as the fluctuating demand for consumer products based on cultural and life changes in the economy, it’s harder than ever for organisations to estimate the need of the consumer.

Lack of visibility

20% of respondents selected lack of visibility as the biggest issue impacting the logistics industry.

Lack of visibility can lead to lack of accuracy and tough supplier relationships. Even before the pandemic a lack of visibility impacted businesses across all industries. When organisations are already contending with other challenges related to supply chains such as stock shortages, a lack of visibility becomes a pressing issue.

Shortage of drivers

10% selected driver shortages as one of the biggest logistic supply chain challenges of 2022.

As increase rises in shipment demands, organisations are faced with the challenge of driver shortages. Brexit led to less international workers and with take-up low for the government’s 10,500 visas for overseas lorry drivers, jobs are still being delayed as a result.


最后。 0% selected ‘other’ as the greatest supply chain challenge facing the logistics industry.

While this wasn’t selected, one area that ‘other’ could represent is difficult trading partner relationships. As global supply chains have changed in recent years, issues are arising with logistical communication barriers and incompatible technology. Factoring in the high levels of pressure in modern supply chains, these all have the potential to prevent the trust and efficiencies on which effective trading relationships ideally rest.


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