Publishing Industry Supply Chain Issues | Poll Results | B2BE Blog

What is the biggest supply chain issue in the publishing industry in 2022?

Publishing Industry Supply Chain Issues | Poll Results | B2BE Blog

The global publishing industry is facing challenges due to demands for raw materials not being met, and disruption to supply chains. This has helped contribute to a worldwide shortage of paper, with the demand not being met, for the publishing industry they are struggling to meet the needs of their customers. With an increase in demand from customers after the Covid-19 pandemic this has been made worse.


在我们最近的 ǞǞǞ poll, we asked our social media followers what they thought the biggest supply chain issue impacting the publishing industry was in 2022.

Publishing industry supply chain issues: what we found


44% of respondents highlighted distribution challenges as the biggest impact to the publishing supply chain in 2022, making it the highest ranked result.

The digital era is fast taking over. With a variety of new possibilities, especially in the publishing industry, more readers are shifting to online reading. Smaller organisations however are struggling to keep up when it comes to digital innovation. In order to survive and adapt to the future they need to transform the way they distribute content, using digital infrastructure to suit the needs, demands and requirements of existing and new customers.


33% of respondents selected channels to market as the biggest publishing industry challenge, making it the second highest ranked option.

As readers become more focused and tech-savvy, authors are looking to create customised content. In order to cater to this new type of publishing, organisations have to improve current functionalities, interactive applications and create multimedia content.

Paper shortages

22% selected paper shortages capacity concerns as the biggest supply chain issue in the publishing industry in 2022.

The Covid-19 pandemic created supply chain challenges for the publishing industry which resulted in a global paper shortage, this still hasn’t gone back to pre-pandemic levels. With raw material shortages, not only is paper in short supply, but global paper prices have continued to rise creating more of an issue for this industry.


最后。 0% selected ‘other’ as the greatest challenge.

While this wasn’t selected by any of the respondents, other could be attributed to increasing emphasis on sustainability, with focus on compostable wrappings or recycled paper, publishers need to find an affordable way to go green. Or, this could focus on subscription modelling, with less revenue being brought in through existing avenues such as advertising, publishers will have to continue developing new paid subscription models to meet the needs of the readers and bring in revenue.


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