Accounts Payable Automation Software: Key Features To Look For

Software zur Automatisierung der Kreditorenbuchhaltung: Worauf Sie bei der Auswahl der besten Lösung achten sollten

Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen und Leistungen (AP) departments are evolving rapidly with the help of automation. The right accounts payable automation software can save time, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. But what features are most important to businesses when selecting a solution?

Poll results

In our most recent LinkedIn poll, we asked our followers what the most important feature of their accounts payable automation software solution is.

When choosing an accounts payable automation software solution, what is the most important feature?

  • Automated processing
  • Validierung vor dem Abgleich
  • AI-Anpassung
  • Lastschrift- oder Gutschriftverfahren
Watch our video round-up below:

Automated processing

With 80% of respondents selecting automated processing as their top priority, it’s clear this feature is non-negotiable for most businesses. Automated processing eliminates repetitive manual tasks, such as data entry and invoice matching, freeing up AP teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

Key benefits include:

  • Faster invoice approvals
  • Reduced human error
  • Improved visibility into payment cycles

In an era of increasing invoice volumes, automation ensures scalability and efficiency, making it the cornerstone of modern accounts payable systems.

Validierung vor dem Abgleich

For 20% of respondents, pre-matching validation stood out as the most critical feature. This functionality helps verify invoice data against purchase orders and receipts before processing. By catching discrepancies early, pre-matching validation prevents payment errors, reduces the risk of fraud, and improves compliance.

While not as popular as automated processing, pre-matching validation is vital for businesses that prioritise accuracy and governance in their AP workflows.

B2BE Weißbuch zur Kreditorenbuchhaltung



Despite its potential, AI-Anpassung did not receive any votes in our poll. This technology leverages artificial intelligence to identify patterns, automate complex matching scenarios, and improve the accuracy of invoice-to-purchase order reconciliation.

Its low adoption could stem from businesses prioritising more foundational features like automated processing. However, as AI technology matures and becomes more accessible, it’s likely to play a more significant role in accounts payable automation. For companies considering long-term scalability and advanced functionality, AI matching could be a game-changer.

Lastschrift- oder Gutschriftverfahren

Similarly, no respondents prioritised debit or credit processes as a critical feature. This might reflect an assumption that such capabilities are already included in most accounts payable automation software solutions.

While foundational, debit and credit processing ensure smooth handling of adjustments and reconciliations. For businesses with high transaction volumes, robust debit and credit capabilities remain essential for maintaining accurate financial records and efficient workflows.

Learn more about B2BE’s Accounts Payable solution.

More information

B2BE’s experience in the supply chain sector allows our customers to build, expand and adapt successfully, enabling greater effectiveness. To engage with B2BE and offer feedback on what matters most to you and your business, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and across social media. You can also vote in our latest LinkedIn poll. If you’d like to discuss your supply chain strategy, get in touch with us.

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