
Lisa Turkington

How AP Automation Software Reduces Manual Labour And Errors | B2BE Blog

Driving Cost Savings: How AP Automation Software Reduces Manual Labour and Errors

Accounts payable (AP) is the process of tracking and paying bills for goods and services received by a business. It is a critical function that can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line. Traditionally, AP has been a manual process that is time-consuming and prone to errors. However, AP automation software can help […]

Driving Cost Savings: How AP Automation Software Reduces Manual Labour and Errors Read More »

Finance Supply Chain: Is Finance Part of Your Supply Chain? | B2BE Blog

Finanzen Supply Chain: Sind die Finanzen Teil Ihrer Supply-Chain-Management-Strategie?

In this article, we explore the finance supply chain, and use our recent poll results to explore if finance is part of your organisation’s supply chain management (SCM) strategy. Supply chain management is crucial for ensuring the efficient movement of goods and services in the business world. It involves overseeing the entire process, from sourcing

Finanzen Supply Chain: Sind die Finanzen Teil Ihrer Supply-Chain-Management-Strategie? Read More »

Benefits of Cloud-Based EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | B2BE

Vorteile von Cloud-basiertem EDI: Skalierbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit und Zusammenarbeit

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has revolutionised business communication by enabling the exchange of documents and data in a standardised electronic format. Traditionally, EDI solutions were deployed on-premise, requiring significant investments in hardware, software, and maintenance. However, with the advent of cloud technology, organisations now have the option to leverage cloud-based EDI solutions. This offers numerous

Vorteile von Cloud-basiertem EDI: Skalierbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit und Zusammenarbeit Read More »

Making The Business Case For Automation | B2BE Blog

Automatisierung von Kundenaufträgen im Vergleich zu manuellen Prozessen: Der Business Case für Automatisierung

Sales order automation (SOA) is the process of using software to automate the steps involved in processing sales orders. This can include tasks such as data entry, validation, and routing. SOA can help businesses to improve efficiency, accuracy, and compliance. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of SOA and how to make

Automatisierung von Kundenaufträgen im Vergleich zu manuellen Prozessen: Der Business Case für Automatisierung Read More »

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