B2BE New Zealand has been appointed by the New Zealand Government to the PEPPOL Suppliers Panel.
The contract covers the provision of PEPPOL capabilities allowing the adoption of a standard approach to e-invoicing.
This works by outlining what each panel provider is offering and their rates. There are many benefits and features of adopting e-invoicing through a PEPPOL services provider and here are just a few:
- Send and receive e-Invoices
- Reduce invoice process costs for the agency, their suppliers, and customers
- Shorten payment cycles to suppliers
- Reduce manual handling and error correction through automation
- Reduce fraud through the use of a secure network and by verifying invoice senders
It also covers the following:
- E-Invoices – ability to receive and send e-Invoices.
- Document translation services offered by the supplier to minimize the changes required to the finance systems in order to receive and send e-Invoices (including validation and mapping services).
- E-Procurement – ability to send and receive other e-procurement documents including purchase order, invoice response, and self-billing invoices.
- Adherence to and enforcement of the A-NZ industry practice statement for invoice content
- Ability to report on the usage of e-Invoicing by participating agencies.
If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to download the document and read more hier.
B2BE also has a PEPPOL Whitepaper and a PEPPOL First Steps guide for your perusal.
If you have any questions about this new update, please reach out to nz.info@b2be.com.