The Benefits Of Document Digitization | Blog | B2BE

The benefits of document digitization

The Benefits Of Document Digitization | Blog | B2BE

Most document management solutions allow businesses to automate the bulk of in-bound documents and can reap the benefits of document digitization. However, it’s often the case that businesses are left with a number of documents still being received in paper, or PDF format, which they are forced to manually process. Supplier invoices, for example, is an area that is still commonly in paper format for businesses of all sizes.

Document digitization is the process of enabling the receipt of these paper documents, which are then digitised to be able to follow the standard process an electronic document does. This process removes all manual supplier invoices so the business can receive documents 100% electronically. This is one of many benefits of document digitization in that it helps to build a highly flexible approach within the document management process.

The current challenge businesses face

When dealing with manual documents, such as supplier invoices in paper format, they need human intervention to receive, sort, manage, process and store which are all prone to human error. Manual processes are also time consuming. Where there is manual receipting, preparation and processing, this adds time which means cost and potentially loss of settlement discounts.

Of course one of the greatest issues with manual documents, such as supplier invoices, is keying errors. If the document needs to be processed manually it means tedious keying and mistakes can easily be made which will affect the following stages when processing the document.

The benefits of document digitization

Document Digitization solutions, such as B2BE’s, ensure 99% data capture accuracy based on the double processing approach and comparison/review and rectification processes. This means the data captured will directly reflect what was sent. Of course, this may not be correct and the validation, enrichment and rejection processes help to manage this.

Find out more about our Document Digitization solution.

Über B2BE

B2BE liefert weltweit elektronische Supply-Chain-Lösungen, die Unternehmen dabei helfen, ihre Supply-Chain-Prozesse besser zu verwalten und ein höheres Maß an Transparenz, Prüfbarkeit und Kontrolle zu erreichen. Unsere Leidenschaft für das, was wir tun, inspiriert uns zu Innovationen und untermauert unser umfangreiches Wissen. Die B2BE-Teams verfügen über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung und sind weltweit tätig.

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