Tayto Group Recipe For Success: Case Study Highlight | B2BE

Case study highlight: Tayto Group’s recipe for success using B2BE’s E-Commerce Solutions

Tayto Group Recipe For Success: Case Study Highlight | B2BE

Tayto Group is a major UK-based snack food manufacturer with a portfolio of popular brands, including Tayto, Golden Wonder, and Mr. Porky. As a growing company, Tayto Group recognised the need to improve their procurement process and reduce costs. They decided to partner with B2BE, a global provider of e-commerce solutions, to help them achieve these goals.

What solutions did the Tayto Group implement?

B2BE worked with Tayto Group to implement a range of solutions, including electronic purchase orders, electronic invoices, and an electronic supplier portal. These solutions helped to streamline the procurement process and make it more efficient. Electronic purchase orders eliminated the need for manual processing, reducing the risk of errors and speeding up the order process. The electronic invoices were also faster and more accurate. Therefore reducing the need for manual data entry and the risk of errors.

A key component of the solution was the electronic supplier portal. It provided suppliers with access to real-time information about their orders and invoices. As a result, this allowed them to manage their own accounts and resolve any issues quickly. This reduced the workload on the Tayto Group procurement team and improved supplier relationships.

The partnership with B2BE helped Tayto Group to achieve their goals of improving their procurement processes and therefore reducing costs. The solutions implemented by B2BE helped to streamline the procurement process, reduce errors, and improve supplier relationships. Finally, the cost savings achieved by Tayto Group have helped them to remain competitive in the market and continue to grow their business.

Read the full case study here

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B2BE liefert weltweit elektronische Supply-Chain-Lösungen, die Unternehmen dabei helfen, ihre Supply-Chain-Prozesse besser zu verwalten und ein höheres Maß an Transparenz, Prüfbarkeit und Kontrolle zu erreichen. Unsere Leidenschaft für das, was wir tun, inspiriert uns zu Innovationen und untermauert unser umfangreiches Wissen. Die B2BE-Teams verfügen über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung und sind weltweit tätig.

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