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B2BE launches Managed Customer Invoice Distribution solution
Thursday, 6 March 2025. InterContinental Hotel, One Hamilton Place, Park Lane, LONDON W1J 1QY.
B2BE are proud to be sponsoring the EDA’s annual Digitalisation Forum & Data Quality Awards 2024 taking place on 5 December 2024 at the America Square Conference Centre…
Spannende Neuigkeiten für Unternehmen, die ihr Liquiditätsmanagement verbessern möchten! Wir freuen uns, die Markteinführung unserer neuesten Lösung, Dynamic Diskontierung, anzukündigen...
Everything you need to know about the 2024 e-invoicing mandate in France
B2BE are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Electrical Distributors Association (EDA). The EDA is the trade association in the UK for electrical wholesalers and distributors. They believe in highlighting the important link between distributors of electrotechnical products, manufacturers, electricians, and electrical contractors.
Amsterdam-based online supermarket Crisp has experienced continued growth in its business. This will allow greater success across the Netherlands and before hopefully expanding the organisation through Europe. To meet the new challenges and opportunities ahead, Crisp has joined forces up with B2BE to manage their communication and data transmission with an ever-increasing network of suppliers and other supply chain partners.
Upcoming news

EDA Annual Awards Dinner, London
Thursday, 6 March 2025
InterContinental Hotel, One Hamilton Place, Park Lane, LONDON W1J 1QY.
e-Invoicing Nachrichten

Obligatorische Einführung von PINT A-NZ ab November 2024
The Peppol PINT format is an international invoice specification introduced by Open Peppol in early 2023. Since then, this format has been adopted by Japan,

Obligatorische Einführung von PINT A-NZ ab November 2024
The Peppol PINT format is an international invoice specification introduced by Open Peppol in early 2023. Since then, this format has been adopted by Japan,

BIR pausiert E-Invoicing-Pilotprojekt für EIS wegen technischer Probleme
The Philippines launched its Electronic Invoicing/Receipting System (EIS) pilot in July 2022, requiring selected taxpayers to report issued invoices in real-time using the EIS platform.

Die elektronische Rechnungsstellung wird in Malaysia schrittweise eingeführt und soll bis Juli 2025 für alle Steuerzahler gelten.
e-Invoicing in Malaysia is being gradually implemented with all taxpayers to be included by July 2025 The Malaysian Inland Revenue Board announced a 6-month grace